7 Tips to Focus on Holiday Health

After the fun and festivities of Christmas, it is time to wish you well into the new year of 2023. May supernatural blessings be yours to experience everyday. We often seek opportunities to look after our health by safely and effectively getting our lifestyles back on track at the start of the new year. Let’s […]

<strong>7 Ways to keep motivated and stay consistent!</strong>

~ I can do anything I set my mind to ~ and so I am successful in all my aspirations ~  There’s this switch in your mind that after each year when January rolls around, that you reset your thinking. The new year fuels that desire to be better, do better than the previous year. […]

7 Affirmations for Mental Strength

Mind over matter. Are you feeling a certain way? Feeling pain but not able to figure out where it’s coming from? Well the mind is so incredibly powerful that the most realistic scenarios are thought of and perhaps believed. That pain you feel may just as well be a manifestation of your mind playing tricks […]

7 Body Positive Affirmations

Let’s recap on Affirmations!  What is an Affirmation? It’s all about what you put into your body, and I’m not talking about food, but positive thoughts and positive habits that become a ritual. Something for you to use everyday in whichever way works that will ultimately change your way of thinking.   This is all about […]