After the fun and festivities of Christmas, it is time to wish you well into the new year of 2023. May supernatural blessings be yours to experience everyday. We often seek opportunities to look after our health by safely and effectively getting our lifestyles back on track at the start of the new year.

Let’s look at these 7 ways to focus on your holiday health 

~When I become stressed, I will step away. I will take a break, take a nap or find a creative outlet ~

  1. Don’t bottle it up! 

I am worthy of love and respect.

Holiday time is when you see family, bond with friends and spend some quality time with everyone without the distractions of work. But don’t forget to share and open up if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Bottled-up feelings are the fuel to negative thinking and it will put you in a slump that will be hard to escape from unless you speak to those whom you trust

  1. Maintain the healthier choice in food

My health and my life are worth fighting for.

Yes, okay it’s the holidays. That means Christmas lunch, Christmas dessert and yes, second and third helpings. But keep a strong attitude of not needing to go overboard. Enjoy your indulgence but give yourself a goal to stick to thereafter and that will certainly help you not to go completely off script during the festive holidays.

  1. Me-time

I am independent.

It’s always the thought that you must entertain, play host and do all of the things with your friends and family over the holiday period, however it’s just as important that you focus on yourself. Do what you want to do, even if that’s by yourself. Read a couple of chapters in the bathtub, go for a walk around the block and just be one with yourself.

  1. Stay on the move

Keep that consistency of doing everything, don’t go crazy and do hours of workouts each day on your break, but enjoy the days with your family. Doing an activity will keep your mind focused and it will actually feel like a much longer day if you wake up earlier and do something. 

  1. Yes isn’t always the answer

Doing what you want on your time is healthy. Saying yes to engagements that you feel emotionally drained for isn’t going to improve your outlook. It isn’t one of those ‘Fake it till you make it’ scenarios. 

  1. Sleep is your friend 

Sleep until you feel rested, sometimes in the first few days of your holidays, with the family close by and always busy, it’s important to get that rest, sleep until you wake up without the kids and family. Then you’ll notice as you stay busy, that you’ll be able to sleep better at night and wake up earlier to enjoy more of the day. 

  1. Commit to connections

I am not alone. I am surrounded by people who love me.

Foster the connections in your life. Get back in touch with friends long forgotten because of the busy lifestyle you lead. This will only improve your emotional state but it will ease your soul. 

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